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on-campus recruitment social recruitment

Senior Organic Synthesis Researcher (PhD)

learned scholar Number of recruits: 1 Work place: Ningbo, Zhejiang Release time: 2024/04/14

Position Statement:

1、position statement position statement

2、position statement position statement position statement

3、position statement

Job Requirements:

1、job requirements iob requirements

2、iob requirements iob requirements iob requirements

3、job requirements job requirements job requirements job requirements

4、job requirements iob requirements job requirements

contact number:+86 575-82536408 address:No. 16 Weiwu Road, Shangyu Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hangzhou Bay, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, PRC

Senior organic synthesis researcher

Master degree or above Number of recruits: 1 Work place: Ningbo, Zhejiang Release time: 2024/04/14
contact number:+86 575-82536408 address:No. 16 Weiwu Road, Shangyu Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hangzhou Bay, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, PRC

Organic synthesis researcher

Bachelor degree or above Number of recruits: 1 Work place: Ningbo, Zhejiang Release time: 2024/04/14
contact number:+86 575-82536408 address:No. 16 Weiwu Road, Shangyu Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hangzhou Bay, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, PRC
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