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Specialty and Goal R&D team Analytical Centre Process Safety Laboratory Intellectual Property

Specialty and Goal

?●  Zhejiang Xieshi is adept at using carbon-carbon bond coupling technology and core fluorination technology to synthesize chemicals used in the fields of display material, new-energy battery and new drug CDMO. 

●  Zhejiang Xieshi develops economical, efficient and safe process for fine chemicals in the fields of new material and new drug CDMO. 

●  Zhejiang Xieshi has dedicated to providing customers fine chemicals with both quality and price competitiveness, and to continuously improving life cycle of product. 

大安市| 开江县| 敖汉旗| 大安市| 兰坪| 肥东县| 洱源县| 楚雄市| 郁南县| 定边县| 潼南县| 句容市| 类乌齐县| 洪湖市| 怀化市| 冕宁县| 贵阳市| 上思县| 北海市| 逊克县| 顺平县| 凤台县| 沽源县| 陕西省| 衡阳市| 临泉县| 黔江区| 辽源市| 澳门| 右玉县| 会昌县| 陆丰市| 安义县| 通化市| 涪陵区| 武山县| 郴州市| 长岛县| 工布江达县| 登封市| 横山县| http://www.sjwls.com http://www.233la.com http://www.qqsql.com http://www.zczx1.com http://www.c0318.com http://www.77p9.com